- As a member, you can aid us in our efforts to rid the world of this dreaded disease in our lifetime.
- As a member, you will receive our bi-monthly newsletter detailing all of our activities and upcoming events.
- As a member, you will receive advance notice of any special events and activities.
For membership information, contact:
Joyce Lerner, 12101 Aspenwood Dr., Plainview, NY 11803, telephone: 516-993-1449
Board members installed by Steve Rhoads (Town of Oyster Bay Legislator) at June 2022 meeting. From left, Julie Gaynes (co-President), Lena Gaynes (President), Charlotte Cooper (Treasurer), Evelyn Rose (Fundraising Vice President), Anita Spandorf (Financial Secretary), Joyce Lerner (Membership Vice President), Alice Bruno (Corresponding Secretary), and Audrey Teitler (Recording Secretary).